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Sevaluate – the best stand-alone COMAH/SEVESO liability calculation software.

Sevaluate is an Excel based program which runs your COMAH (Seveso III) calculations for you, provides printable reports showing the main contributors to your COMAH liability, and allows you to predict the impact of changing your COMAH inventory on your COMAH liability.

It’s ideal for demonstrating your COMAH status to the HSE, particularly for sites with a large product and/or raw material range, or an inventory which changes frequently.

Sevaluate is especially useful for sites controlling their inventory to keep out of COMAH, or stay within Lower Tier.

Sevaluate is installed on your own laptop or workstation, under your control, so you don’t need to worry about sensitive commercial information being “in the cloud”.  You own the data you input, and the output data.

The software is based on Excel, so it’s easy to use.  Full instructions are provided.

As well as the results of the COMAH calculations, the software also automatically generates a series of reports, so you can see exactly why you are in Lower Tier or Upper Tier COMAH, and what the main contributors are to your liability.

Sevaluate is the result of over 15 years experience in helping chemical companies work out whether they are in COMAH or not, and control their inventory to make sure they stay out of COMAH, or out of Upper Tier.

We have seen all the mistakes which can be made when calculating COMAH liability (and have made most of them ourselves), and wrote Sevaluate in-house at first, to help our clients be sure of their COMAH status.

If you’d like an online demo of Sevaluate, email us with some dates/ times which would suit you in the next few days, and we’ll get back to you with a mutually convenient time as soon as we can.  The demo usually takes about 20 minutes, but can take longer if you need to discuss your site in detail (which we’re very happy to do).

Thank you for your interest in Sevaluate, and look forward to hearing from you soon.